Build A Beautiful Water Garden Fountain On Your Property
Commercial & Residential Fountain & Pond Services
Outdoor Water Fountain Construction, Repair, & Maintenance
While there certainly are a lot of fountains out there in the market, it’s always best to identify one’s own water feature needs before looking for a fountain in order to avoid the heartache brought about by unnecessary purchases.
It’s important to note that a disappearing or pondless water fountain, rock column fountain, bamboo fountain, and other types of fountains all have different advantages and disadvantages, different methods of function, and are available at different price points.
While the maintenance on these types of water features is less when compared to maintenance performed on the more traditional koi or turtle ponds, it is still important to understand how the bamboo fountain, wall fountain, or some other modern water feature is set up.
You must know what you need to do to maintain them, and what should be done when something breaks down. For example, when a pot breaks, you must be able to revive the plant in it. This will ensure that you do not have your expense burn a hole in your precious profit margin.
We initiate installation processes that match the type and construction of a water feature to its surroundings.
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Helping where it counts
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Pondless Water Fountain Construction & Repair
We can service any kind of residential pond or water feature in your outdoor space that can hold 1,000 to 5,000 gallons of water. The water found in a gravel-filled reservoir or some other natural water feature, and which is not chemically treated, is likely to have turtles and fish.
Five years ago, we began specializing in “backyard ponds” – residential water features with basins that could hold less than 10,000 gallons of water. Typically, we do not have to visit these ponds more than two times a month and maybe once or twice a year to thoroughly clean the pond.
However, the maintenance schedule for a water feature depends on its construction. A pond maintained with a regular submersible pump with little or no circulation and which does not use ultraviolet (UV) lights may need professional cleaning after a period of about two months.
A bird bath, a flower pot, or a water wall installed close by can be the focal point of your pondless water fountain. We can service this water feature for you. We can also service your water garden and decorative water features that do not have fish or turtles in them.
We take a complete survey of your system, see how the water flows, and check several factors that help keep the pond clear and the pond owner happy. Get in touch today for your free pond and water fountain review.
Commercial Fountain Maintenance
Installing a commercial fountain in an apartment, Homeowners Association (HOA) property or cemetery can do wonders for the environment and of course increase the value of your property.
We have noticed that many of these South Californian property management companies have been able to increase their tenant’s monthly rents by around 10 to 15% just by adding a fountain or water wall to their garden. Also, add a pot or two for added attraction.
A water fountain is a beautiful addition to a commercial garden, especially because the water depth can be less than 36 inches. This is ideal to avoid accidental drownings and to increase the perceived value of the property.
It is relatively easy to construct, maintain, and repair a commercial fountain in sunny areas, as compared to places that experience extreme weather conditions.
We have the expertise to service both chemically-treated and natural water features found in residential and commercial properties. We are just a phone call away and will be more than happy to offer you a free installation or service quote for your garden fountain.
Your property will be the center of attraction with custom-built water features. Again, add a pot or two for added beauty.
It’s great fun to build DIY water ponds, but the clients that we serve the most are DIY water pond builders who need help rebuilding their water features because some of their system components have been compromised.
Bubbling Rock Fountains Construction
A bubbling rock fountain constructed with waterfalls and rock pools is a great addition to the backyard where children and individuals can relish the sights and sounds of these unique fountains.
Also, these fountains are cheaper to maintain and repair than traditional water features. A unique re-circulation process ensures that water levels remain below the rocks or filtration media holding the water. This enhances the feeling of tranquility and beauty.
The best part is that with sunlight falling on a small waterfall or some bubbling rock fountain that you’ve installed in your water garden, the rocks and pots filled with plants come to life in a garden landscape around that fountain that anyone will envy.
You can buy bubbling rock fountains in kit form from the store. It takes less than a week to install your garden fountain the right way. Add a pot or two of your choice. These kits are very similar to pondless water features and cost between $1,500 to $2,500 per kit.
The cost can go up to $10,000 for a full installation. On the other hand, a DIY project that includes the kit, lights, other entry-level decorations, and some spare rocks/media content will cost less than $5,000.
There’s your local landscaping professional to help you stay on track with your project, but we’re always at hand to help you when you’re in trouble with your landscaping project.
Cascading & Tiered Fountains Installation
Some of the most aesthetically pleasing fountain installations we have completed are cascading garden fountains and beautifully modern spillways. We can assemble full-sized and pond-sized fountain constructions capable of holding turtles, fish, and other species of aquatic life.
You can add value to the fountain ecosystem and keep your system healthy just by adding a waterfall spillway that releases water to a stone deck or is used for filling water into a bucket created to spill water into the pots.
Artificial fountains are also available, but the concept of installing a natural fountain holds great appeal. This is why it is always a good idea to include UV lights and some extra filtration pumps in your fountain project to sustain turtles and aquatic plant life.
This will ensure that the waste of fish, turtles, and other wildlife will not collect at the fountain inlets to prevent the smooth circulation of water in and from the basin.
The system remains intact, and the fountain adds a high level of freshness to the space around it with its aeration system.
Are you interested in setting up your own DIY water fountain with DIY water features? Maybe you have your mind set on installing a water garden with a water wall and different kinds of aquatic plants along the patio? Do you need help setting up your own tiered or cascaded fountain?
We can help whenever you feel that the focal point of your fountain is not what you expected to achieve. We’ll help you innovate with a zen garden or set up flower pots on pea gravel. You can choose a solar-power-driven water pump that drives flowing water to your tiered DIY fountain.
Helping where it counts
Committed to Excellence
Pond, Fountain, & Water-Garden Repair Services
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Bi-Weekly Maintenance
Take advantage of our pond cleaning and custom koi pond maintenance plans. We undertake UV light replacements, skimmer basket emptying, filtration backwashing, and other maintenance tasks. We keep all your water gardens looking at their best.
From commercial water features to custom above-ground koi ponds to pondless waterfalls – we are your one-stop destination for aquatic plant installations and landscaping on your property.
Pump & Filtration Repair
A water feature or pond full of algae spread across green murky water is never a pleasant sight. Allow us to clean your filtration system and your water feature for you. From pressure filters and external pumps to filtration and submersible pumps – we know about pond filtration.
Fountain design & Construction
We’re here to install unique water features and custom fountain designs that you set your eyes on. Your fountain can make sound and fits nicely with other water features and pots placed on a stone table in the yard.
You probably can hear the sound from your room and feel the flow of water along the waterfall. We can offer you great options for a waterfall in your yard and create a unique sound for your winter.
Repair & Leak Detection
Whether your water feature is losing water or you need a new UV light, we can help with expert pond and fountain equipment repairs. It doesn’t matter how long your pond has gone without a liner replacement or reseal job.
Just reach out to us, if you’ve noticed a fountain or some other water feature losing water or if you own a pond that is more than 10 years old. That’s when the pond usually starts to lose water.
We’ll fix your pond in very little time and also fix other areas like water fountain walls and irregular water flows down the waterfall.
We’ll Help You Manage, Repair, & Install Your Water Features
Call today (714) 613-0123
Learn More About Our Other Services.
Do you want to install, service, or rehabilitate your backyard pond? We have several water pond design options up our sleeve. You’re likely to find the exact design you’re looking for. Once you do, we’ll go about constructing your backyard pond with the design that you’ve chosen.
We can install a waterfall for you along the wall of your choice, and put a pot here or a pot there to create attractive designs that complement your garden.
Stacked stones in small spaces fit nicely in a water garden. Just add some small water features to your backyard or patio to create the same effect that you find in a commercial property with a water garden and a wall fountain.
Fill a pot with plants of your choice. Your family handyman can set up a water garden with water lilies and other water plants to create a fun space around your patio.
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